I chose to make a "faluche". This is a bread that is typical of my hometown in Belgium (and surrounding areas) as well as the Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Picardie regions in France. In my hometown, they usually have a more rectangular shape, while in France, they tend to be round.
- 90 ml milk
- 90 ml water
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 300g flour
- 1.5 tsp of dry yeast
- Put the ingredients in order in the bread machine OR mix them in that order in a large bowl.
- If using the bread machine, use the dough program. If doing this by hand, mix until you get a smooth dough and let it rise for an hour.
- Knead the bread again (on a floured surface), removing all gas bubbles. Then stretch the dough, fold it upon itself, knead and stretch and couple times.
- Divide the dough in half. With a rolling pin, flatten the dough (rectangular or round shape).
- Put your flattened dough on baking sheets, cover with a towel and let it rise in a warm place for another hour.
- Preheat your oven at 350. Put your bread in for 15 minutes.
- Let it cool on a cooling rack.
Makes 2 loaves (about 4" wide by 10" long).
Traditional after-school snack

Note: you can use a toaster oven for a more crispy result.